Pocatello Senior High School
Class of 1962
Tip #3 - Guest Sign-On Steps
First, go to this Internet address with your browser, www.phs62.com. This puts you on our website Home Page. Go to the third paragraph down from “Welcome to our Class of ’62 Website”.
While in that third paragraph, you will be advised to Contact Us if you would like to become a GUEST member. By clicking on Contact Us on the left side of the Home Page, you will be presented with an email form for you to request GUEST membership. In this request, please indicate what PHS class you graduated from. This email will go to the Site Administrator, Otto Achenbach. He will then enter your name in the Classmate Profiles list under Guest Members, and he will send you these instructions. I know, you already have them right here, and these are the latest instructions.
You should give Otto time to enter your name in the bottom of the Classmate Profile list under Guest Members. He is a busy man, so be patient.
Sometime later, after Otto has entered your name, you should go back and again get on the PHS Class of '62 Website Home Page.
This time, click on First Time Visitors on the left side of the Home Page, 4th from top.
This will bring up a page titled Instructions for First Time Visitors which explains just about everything you will need to know about our new website including how to become a member, which is Item #3, Setting Up Your Profile. The first thing you do in Item #3 is to locate your name on the Classmates Profile list at the bottom of the page under Guest Members. Otto should have already entered your name on that list. If it is not there, it should be soon. Click on your name and then follow the prompts to create your profile. After going through all the prompts, you will be logged in as a GUEST member. That’s it. Enjoy!
Take a look around. We suggest you eventually go to Item #6.
Item #6, Adding Pictures To Your Profile This can be fun. A yearbook picture of nearly everyone in our class has already been added to profiles. We will add a yearbook photo of you if we can find one in the 1962 Pocatellian. You may have a better picture of yourself in the yearbook you graduated. Recent pictures of you and your family are up to you.
In addition to adding pictures to your profile, adding pictures to the Reunion and Other Photo Albums should be fun too. Instruction for adding pictures to these two albums are on the bottom of the Home Page.
Again, explore and have fun. Most everything is intuitive, but we will help out here and there.
In the event you have any problems in becoming a member, or problems anywhere, click Contact Us on the left side of the Home Page. Otto is always willing and ready to help.