It should be noted that the 212 Classmates listed on this page are truly missing; we know nothing of their whereabouts.
We have the email addresses of 53 Classmates that are not website members. These people are not considered missing. There are other Classmates that are not website members and we DON'T have email addresses for them, but they have made appearances at recent gatherings, reunions, and 50+ reunions. These people also are not considered missing.
You can help us find any of the missing '62 Classmates listed on this page. If you have any information on these friends, contact them and encourage them to sign up to our website. Suggest to them that they go to and read the opening paragraph of the Home Page, "Welcome to our Class of '62 Website", which will tell them how to sign up as a website member. And if they have any trouble, they can click on Contact Us on the left side of the home page and any of the three Website Administrators will help them.
We all care about our former Classmates and the more people that we can get as Website Members the more fun, informative, and interactive our website can be.