Pocatello Senior High School
Class of 1962
Tip #5.3 Message Center
Any information you put in this function will show up under the Tab "Message Center", so that means any classmate that does not click on the "Message Center" tab will not see your information. It is specific, classmate must visit this tab in order to see what you posted.
Caveat: If classmate told the system to "Notify" when Message Center is updated, then the system will tell them there is activity.
You can click on this tab and it will take you to the "Message Center" section.
- You can click on compose message and it will take you to the message build section.
- Enter their first or last name, select the classmate(s) you want to receive this message, or you can display all classmates and simply click on those you want to include in this message to be sent to them.
- Put in a subject you want them to see, then fill in your message within the box provided by the system. Editing features are not as rich as the Message Forum.
- Click on the box with "Send Message" and out your message will go to your selected classmates.
- Any responses to your message by your classmates will be sent back to you by the PHS62 system.
- When you receive a "New Message" notice from the PHS62 web site, you can click on the "More" in their message or sign on to the web site and click on "Message Center" and look for the message that was sent.
- Fellow classmates can rejoin the web site, go to "Message Center" and select your message and see any updates, add their thoughts, etc.
- Comments:
- This function allows you to select one classmate, multiple classmates, or look at all classmates and select all if that is what you want to do.
- This function will send your "Message Center" message to those selected and only those selected.
- This function also could be the sole method of communications, you could remove your phone number and email address and everything would have to be conducted by this function. Remember: If anyone has a question and they forget and go to "Contact Us", the Administrators are not involved and will not respond to any questions pertaining to your "Message".
- You can go back into the system, go to the "Message Center" and see your messages (history to date) and what has been added by others. Also, you should receive their message when the classmate clicks on Send Reply so you know there is activity.
- Classmates have the option under "Member Functions", tab "Notify Me" to tell the system when a new message is posted in the Message Center they can tell the system to notify them immediately, once daily or never, just so you know.