Pocatello Senior High School
Class of 1962
Tip #5 - Get Info Out to Class
There are several options available to you to choose on how to communicate with your classmates; you can set up meetings, sponsor a function, send messages, to one or many, post an announcement on the home page and we have attempted to document how to use 4 of the important ones, in our humble opinion.
Usage of these functions are sponsored by you, not the "PHS62" website, the website is a means for you to get your message out to fellow classmates, so the Administrators of this site will not get involved with any questions (if you want to visit with us about our thoughts on possible usage, how to, etc., we will work with you), you need to include within your communication, that this is sponsored by you and they need to visit with you directly and not use the "Contact Us" link since your the sponsor.
Tip: #5.1 - What's New
Tip: #5.2 - Message Forum
Tip: #5.3 - Message Center
Tip: #5.4 - Post Announcement <=== Everyone will see this